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OTHER OF BEETLES II:II: Winter Solstice MMXX Release

Portals open! We at Other of Beetles bid a warm Winter Solstice greeting to all. This season, we share works that rise from deep heart spaces, with both a print issue and an incense. We trust that they will provide sustenance as we put this year to sleep.

Our print run is limited to one hundred and eleven copies this season and opens with a gift to all: an original omen written by an anonymous author who has claimed to be possessed by the spirit of Hollow Hand, a trickster-godhead from one of last season’s stories. Therefore, no two books are alike. Also included are three new stories, including a collaborative, each holding a key to characters unfolding in new potentials and in new trajectories: upon a living deathbed, in past life regression sessions, and within the trees of a river-country possessed.

Find print issue HERE.

Find digital issue HERE.

This season's trailer, impassioned soundscape by Zania Morgan:

In addition, we also release this issue’s accompaniment: MARROW: A Ceremonial Incense for the Veneration of Temple Spaces Within.

As we harvested its ingredients from the inner chambers of fallen trees and the beneficent offerings of living trees, MARROW resoundingly spoke of innermost territories in need of reverence. In this ritually crafted incense are honey from nectared chambers, seeds within full-bodied fruit, symbiotic connectors, water from the salted sea—all hallowed spaces so often unseen that they are taken for granted. MARROW calls you to tend carefully to your landscapes concealed. This sweetening smoke is nutritive, cradling, and generous. But it is also watchful, for herein are sharp things as well. Burn to cull reflections, to do work upon the heart, and to integrate the deep wisdom within.


All proceeds from MARROW will be split evenly between two entities that labor to help heal inner spaces: The Loveland Foundation & RAINN

We wish you health upon the hearth this season. May the spirit of the winter fires bring you comfort.


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