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OTHER OF BEETLES II:I: Autumn Equinox MMXX Release

A determined autumn equinox to all. Other of Beetles has returned with both a print issue and an incense.

First, we are honored to announce two guest contributors joining us in this issue, sacred friends Richard Gavin and Robert Fitzgerald. Together, the four of us have crafted tales of origination and descent, traversing a monastery with forbidden books, a playground of exile, a cavern of waking ancients, and a belly used as a bone-casting cloth.

Purchase Print Issue HERE.

Purchase Digital Issue HERE.


Alongside the autumnal issue of Other of Beetles, we also release its accompaniment: PROCESSION: A Ceremonial Incense for Summoning Threshold-Dwellers & the Making of New Ways

Ritually handcrafted, this incense clarifies crossroads and sharpens inner blades. Made with flora and fauna from around the world, PROCESSION is both a daggered catalyst and a horn of plenty, an offering to ancestral gatekeepers of the spirit realm. Not only is it a petition for their action, it is a call to ours: open barriers, clear paths, and set strong intentions in this smoke and its matter. Wake your catalysts in this time of need. Prepare for the inevitable descent. Burn for clarity and energy, to fight deprivation with sustenance, or place unburned upon altars. This is spirit food.

We release PROCESSION as a catalyzing force for those who oppose the proliferation of dehumanizing harm and greed. Without a change of leadership in this country, our human, plant, and animal brethren will face increasingly harrowing futures. We at Other of Beetles are doing what we can to make a small impact, but far more impactful would be continuously working to vote out the players who insist upon egregious abuses of power.

All proceeds from PROCESSION will be donated to United Farm Workers, who are working to protect the health and dignity of those who put food on all tables through both pandemic and wildfire. We thank you.

Purchase Incense HERE.


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