A blood-hued ritual powder, Dust of Ages marks its territories with the resinous spark of wine-soaked blooms & essences both poison & panacea.
Possibilities for Usage:
-for demarcating and empowering ritual space, as a whole or in specific parts
-to amplify the potency of offerings, dream-space, candle dressings, intentions, communications, etc.
-as a thurifying incense powder
Contains the Resins of Socotran Dragon’s Blood & Yemeni Myrrh, Pomegranate-Wine-Soaked Bulgarian Rose & Opium Poppy Petal, Salt Harvested from the Red Sea, Avian Bone Black, Datura Inoxia Blossom Hydrolat, Waking Vein from this Collection, & an Essential Oil Blend of Yemeni Myrrh, Bulgarian Rose, Moroccan Atlas Cedarwood, Spanish Cistus, & Madagascan Clove
"DUST OF AGES"—A Ritual Powder for Lilithian Devotion
Ritually-crafted by THE ALTAR(ED) SLATE
for the Black Moon Lilith Collection
Editions & Price Point:
20 grams - $44 USD
Miron Violet Glass Bottle with Screw Cap in a Reusable / Biodegradable Black Tube Jar
3.5 grams Sample - $11 USD
Amber Glass Vial with Screw Cap in a Reusable / Biodegradable Black Box
The Materia kin to this collection represents a series of workings in time that cannot and will not be recreated. These offerings will only be available to the public as long as they are in stock here.
By purchasing, the buyer acknowledges the following:
1. Dust of Ages was made and marked by the hands of another practitioner; therefore, the usage of it is inadvertantly of a collaborative nature. Respect of the Materia in all circumstances is assumed.
2. Dust of Ages was crafted for devotional purposes only. Malefic or manipulative intent while working with this Materia is anathema.
3. It is assumed that the user has employed proper spiritual hygiene prior to and while working with this Materia. The Altar(ed) Slate holds no responsibility for undesired results due to lack of basic magical maintenance.
4. Some ingredients in Dust of Ages have documented emmenagogic and/or abortifacient properties. Therefore, we advise against using if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant.
As with all offerings specific to our Black Moon Lilith Collection, a portion of Dust of Ages' proceeds will be donated to The Brigid Alliance, a travel fund for those who do not have access to abortion healthcare in the US. https://brigidalliance.org